What Would Happen If You Set Your Ac Too Low?

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The majority of AC owners fail to understand the difference between a suitable temperature and a temperature too cool. In hopes to cool down their home faster, they set their thermostat in the mid-sixties waiting for the room to cool.
Air conditioners aren’t meant to make you so cold that you need a blanket. When the weather outside gets uncomfortably hot or humid, air conditioners help set the correct temperature inside. The components of your air conditioning system wear out faster the more you use it. This will call for more frequent AC repair in Brush Prairie, WA. You may quickly wear out your air conditioning system and reduce its performance by setting it to the lowest temperature.

Higher Temperatures Are More Comfortable

It is a common trait to turn down the temperature to 65 degrees when you enter your house. However, Experts of air conditioning repair in Brush Prairie, WA, say that your AC does not function this way.
Lowering the temperature below 77° or 78° is typically ineffective and will cost you a lot of money. Because the AC’s motor only runs at one speed, it will quickly exceed a comfortable temperature and continue to operate for longer, using more and more energy as it does so.

Use A Programmable Thermostat

Lowering the temperature too much could shorten the life of your air conditioner and increase your monthly expenditures. However, it’s difficult to recall this when your home is uncomfortably hot. Instead of immediately decreasing the temperature when you arrive home, you should use the settings on your programmable thermostat, as recommended by most technicians of air conditioning repair in Brush Prairie, WA.
Knowing how to control your thermostat correctly can help you save money. When you leave for work or a family vacation, you may set the air conditioner to turn off. Set the system to turn on 20 minutes before you arrive, and you’ll be greeted with a cool, welcoming house.

If It Won’t Cool, Tt Needs To Be Repaired

Functioning air conditioners are capable of cooling your home at 78 degrees too. If your AC cannot keep up with this, you need AC repair in Brush Prairie, WA.
The thermostat is sometimes the source of the problem. If the temperature sensors are out of calibration, the thermostat may turn off the compressor too soon, preventing you from getting the cooling you need. However, there are a slew of other possibilities, including problems with the compressor, evaporator coil, blower fan, or ductwork.
Only experienced technicians of air conditioning repair in Brush Prairie, WA, can identify your problem and suggest possible repairs.

Harmful Effects Of Low Ac Temperatures

If you are fond of extremely low AC temperatures, you must watch out for the harmful effects of cold weather on the human body. The effects include –

  • Headaches
  • Stiff bones
  • Respiratory issues
  • Dry eyes & skin

Set the AC temperature accurately so that it’s cool enough yet not freezingly uncomfortable.

About Our Services

Home Energy Group is extending our HVAC repair services to happy clients for 2 decades. We prioritize customer satisfaction and are qualified in our field.
Contact us for excellent HVAC related services:
Phone – (360) 944-8616
Email – homeenergyheating@gmail.com